Friday, January 9, 2009

Valkyrie Review - DIllan

The title Valkyrie in Norse Mythology, means half bird half women. The role that Valkyries played was to carry the brave and courageous warriors who died in battle to the afterlife hall of slain. However, Valkyries were also the ones who chose who would live or die in battle. Based on the true story of the last attempt to kill Hitler, Valkyrie is supposedly the most riveting movie of the year although; many have said otherwise myself included. Valkyrie was made to portray the real events that occurred throughout the period in which Hitler had control over all of Sacred Germany.

The main character portrayed in the movie; Colonel Stauffenberg played by actor Tom Cruise, was a German officer who swore his oath to Hitler but formed a coupe against him after realizing that his love for Sacred Germany meant more to him than his own leader Hitler did. The producer of this film was Bryan Singer and the used the MGM studio. Although Tom Cruise was the most well known actor in the film, there are also many other talented cast members who played a role in the production of the film such as; Kenneth Branagh, Bill Nighy, Tom Wilkinson, etc.

The story behind the movie Valkyrie is simple. In the beginning, Colonel Stauffenberg is wounded in an attack against his camp in northern Africa leaving him with a missing eye, a missing right hand, and only three fingers on his left hand. He then is invited to join a coupe made by German officers in which they will attempt to assassinate Adolf Hitler. He eventually joins them and begins to share his methods in doing so with the rest of them and is appointed Chief of Staff of the reserve Army. As the movie progresses, their plans of action begin to take affect. They attempt to kill Hitler in hopes of taking control of Berlin and banishing “Hitler’s Germany” and restoring the peace that he had taken away from it.

One of the most significant events that occurred in the movie was when Colonel Stauffenberg was able to re-write operation Valkyrie in such a way that it would enable the troops to take more immediate action in a lesser amount of time. Not only that, but that he was also able to get Hitler himself to sign it in agreement. This allowed Stauffenberg’s plan to actually go through.

I would recommend this movie to those who understand the basic events that occurred throughout this time period and a basic understanding of Hitler’s rule otherwise, this movie will not make all that much sense to you. The movie is perfect for those who love learning about real history in a more aesthetically pleasing way such as film. However, I do not recommend this movie to people who don’t understand the concept of treason and betrayal because this movie is full of back stabbing and secrecy. Generally speaking, this movie is the perfect combination of action and dialogue and would be enjoyed by both the action lovers as well as the people who don’t.

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